
We are proud to offer homemade products to our clients. We work with local suppliers to obtain the best natural ingredients. Our goal is to ensure you always enjoy a memorable experience, from products to service, every single time.

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Asian BBQ Crockpot

Ingredients 8lb pork shoulder (butt) Spice Blend (Brown sugar, cayenne, garlic powder, Chinese five spice, salt and pepper) 1 cup of Vonnie B’s Banero Sauce Jasmine Rice Instructions Place well seasoned pork shoulder in the crockpot and set the crockpot for 12hrs on low. At around 10 hrs add ¼ cup of Vonnie B’s Banero […]

Smoked Pulled Pork

Ingredients 8 lb pork shoulder (butt) Spice Blend (Brown sugar, paprika, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper) 1 pint of Vonnie B’s Original BBQ Sauce or Vonnie B’s Mustaque Sauce Instructions Set the smoker at 225 degrees using wood of choice*. Season the pork shoulder generously with the spice blend. Place […]